KET-PACK-Product Catalog_Compressed

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pr oduct catal og
Per f ume boxes
The packaging for perfumes and colognes should be
designed to give your products an individual touch.
KETSANA PACK offers custom-printed & handcrafted
premium perfume paper boxes.
Magnet ic Singl e
per f ume gif t box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Rigid per f ume box
wit h easy open
$50 MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Luxur y per f ume box
wit h bl ack tact il e
paper & UV
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Per f ume displ ay
box set of 3
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Per f ume dr awer
box wit h easy
open r ibbon
MOQ: 500pcs
$50 Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Lid and base
per f ume box wit h
side open design
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Per f ume set box
wit h magnet ic l id
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Lid and bot t om
per f ume box
wit h f oil paper
$50 MOQ: 100pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
2- l ay er per f ume
set gif t box wit h
doubl e door
open i n g
MOQ: 100pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
We offer a wide range of custom cosmetics boxes
such as eyelash packaging, lipstick packaging and
skin care packaging that your customers will surely
Mul t i- l ay er
cosmet ic set r igid
b ox
MOQ: 100pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Cosmet ic f l ip book
t y pe box wit h EVA
i n s er t
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Door doubl e
opening cosmet ic
set box wit h t age
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Cosmet ic set r igid
box wit h paper
div ider and sat in
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Skin Car e Paper
Rigid Gif t Box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
BEaut y gif t box
wit h innovat iv e
open design
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Cir cl e Paint St y l e
Pal et t e
Pa c k a gi n g
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
cust om f ul l set
makeup box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Empt y pal et t e box
wit h mir r or
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Fr agr ance boxes
KETSANA PACK makes exquisitely structured custom
fragrance boxes that are built with the finest materials
to keep your fragrance kits firmly.
Dif f user gif t
box set of 3
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
candl e gif t box
wit h ot st amping &
MOQ: 500pcs
$50 Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Squar e f r agr ance
candl e box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Rigid Gif t Candl e
Box wit h l eat her
l i d
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Rect angl e 3
candl e gif t set
box wit h f l ip l id
$50 MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Bl ack and f oil
paper candl e box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Hex agon shape
candl e box
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Bl ack and f oil
paper candl e
b ox
MOQ: 500pcs
$50 Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Pr emium candl e
gif t box wit h
r ibbon
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Ot her Gif t boxes
It is as enjoyable to give gifts as it is to receive them,
so everyone enjoys designing unique custom-sized
boxes for presents as well. KETSANA PACK offers a
wide assortment of high-quality paper gift boxes to
meet your needs.
Doubl e dr awer
gif t box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Cust om r ect angl e
gif t box wit h
magnet ic l id
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Bag shape gif t box
wit h 1 side opening
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Fol dabl e wine box
wit h r ope handl e
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Hol ogr ams Rigid
box wit h doubl e
open i n g
MOQ: 1000pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Jewel r y box wit h
acr y l ic window
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Cubic st y l e
gif t set box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Hear t - shaped
f l ower gif t box
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
souv enir gif t set
b ox
MOQ: 500pcs
Sample Lead time: 5-7 days
Production: 25-30 days
Your custom packaging partner that focuses
on shaping your brand
Entreprise(s) concernée(s) :
Date d'upload du document :
jeudi 2 février 2023